Heart and Feet Pic

Heart and Feet Pic
Being the Feet of Jesus

Monday, July 14, 2014

5 Lessons We Can Learn from Children

Circle Time with another volunteer.
My boys were excited to serve in children's ministry last week at our church.  As part of our serving rotation to find their passion, this was second on our summer serving schedule.  Both my boys love to play with children younger than themselves.  It makes them feel big and like they have something to share  from the wisdom they have gained thus far. I like to watch them in this more mature role too. It gives me a glimpse at how they may be as fathers one day.

Giving Back

Tonya teaching a lesson at Table Time. 
The children's ministry at our church served us well when our boys were young and know we can give back by serving on a holiday weekend when they are typically short on their regular volunteers. As we lead the lessons and activities, our boys helped lead the line to large group, prepared the snack, handed out coloring sheets, and played with the children. This was yet another great opportunity for our boys to experience.  This was definitely a cooler experience of serving than the golf carts.

5 Lessons from the Little Ones

Lanson leading Coloring Time.
So even though we were 10 minutes late reporting for duty to serve the 4 year olds together, we were glad to serve wherever we were needed as we were sent to serve in two different classrooms (3 year olds and 5 year olds).  We all had a great time serving the next generation as we did short activities that involved coloring, singing, dancing, tossing bean bags, sharing in circle time, learning in large group, and playing.

The lesson for the day was "The Bible is worth more than gold". We talked and did activities around the fact that you can talk to God anywhere (in church, in the bath, at the grocery store, at a party, while brushing your teeth, etc.).

Here is what we learned while serving young children and teaching them the word of God as a foundation for their young live.
  • Keep it Simple - no more than 7 words for a memory verse
  • Make it Short - 5, 10 minute activities is all they can absorb in 75 minutes (include a snack)
  • Get Moving - dancing, singing, and moving around get the energy out and their minds ready to learn
  • Repeat, Repeat, Repeat - this is the key for them to remember.  In every different activity, the same words should be repeated like "The Bible is worth more than gold".
  • Share - make the lesson personal to an experience they have had by asking them to share - you never know what a child will share 
Deason and Joe at Large Group. 
These are good points for me to remember as I engage my boys more in The Word of God.  Simply reading and talking about a bible verse is not enough.  I need to plan activities around our God time to help them remember. Maybe I need to do the same for me - I have the hardest time remembering scripture.

From Jesus "I tell you the truth, unless you become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3

What pointers/tools do you have to share to engage your children in learning more about God?

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