Heart and Feet Pic

Heart and Feet Pic
Being the Feet of Jesus

Sunday, July 6, 2014

3 Things We Learned on a Golf Cart

Whew!  This summer is well in full swing.  With our floor remodel, family in town, summer camps, birthdays, etc., time has gotten away from me with blogging.  I am a little behind with updates on our family serving experiences thus far.  

Current Service

It's not like we don't serve at all.  We have always served in many ways, but mostly, I take the lead in our family.  In this season, God has me on a quest to find what my boys like and let them do some leading in this area.  To empower them to have a leading role as little boys growing up to be Godly men.  

  • We serve monthly as a LifeGroup as we prepare and serve hot meals to the homeless through Amazing Love Ministries in Ybor City, FL.  
  • We serve weekly together as a family when we host our LifeGroup and welcome them into our home. 
  • I serve monthly at our church teaching the "Discover" class that guides members in discovering their God-given personality, spiritual gifts, and passions.   
This summer we decided to serve in a variety of ways (both inside the church and outside in the community) to find a consistent way we can serve together - as a family.  Ways that build up our boys and encourage them to put their God-given talents to use.   

Because it's who we are . . .

We have followed our schedule (check out my previous blog 6 Family Summer Serving Activities) and have so far served in two ways at our church (parking and children's church). The boys have loved it! We have had meaningful conversations leading up to serving and following our experiences.  

When I asked "Why are we serving by driving people on golf carts into church?"  One of our sons answered "Because it is who we are - The Nichols!".  I loved that answer, that means that serving is more of their identity than I really thought as we live out our family purpose statement.

The Nichols Family Purpose
"Praise God, Serve Others, Love All"  

Our other son answered "to make it easier for people to get into church and meet God".  My heart just melted.  They are getting it!

3 Things We Learned on a Golf Cart 

Okay so they boys really had a blast riding on the golf carts as my husband and I drove around our church parking lot. I didn't think this would be much of a meaningful, Godly experience.  I mean, it's just driving carts.  However, I was surprised at what God showed us . . . 

  1. Hospitality goes a long way - We were literally the "welcome wagon" for each family and individual attending church that day.  We met many first time guests, some that just moved into the area and knew no one.  We were able to introduce them to other attenders on the cart to have someone to sit with and point them in the right direction for service.  
  2. Slow down and connect - We saw many friends that we haven't connected with in many months (some even years).  Because our church is so large,we never pass each other or we are in too big of a hurry going somewhere else and just wave across the lobby.  Riding for 4 minutes on a golf cart gave us time to catch up and reconnect with people. It also gave us time to connect with our boys.  Every other trip on the cart, the cart was empty.  This gave us time to actually talk with no distractions with our boys.  
  3. Appreciate our servants - It is very hot in Florida in the summer. I am so use to being in air conditioning all the time, that being on a golf cart made me realize how hot it really is.  There was a little breeze when we were driving, but for the most part it was HOT.  We really made us appreciate our parkers and drivers. It was fun at the end when the church gave out free snow cones to all members (and we got one too to cool off).  Take the time to thank those that serve you each week (especially those that are in the heat, cold, rain, etc.).     

This was a great serving experience for our family to really see how such a seemingly small job can make a big difference (for us and for others).  It was a great lesson in living out our family motto.   

The Nichols Family Motto 
"Small Change Makes a Big Difference" 
(Get it? Nickels are small change and we are The Nichols.)  

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